Leader & Influencer

Dr. MV "Vinny" Mendoza
for US Senate,   # 8

The only way to fight inflation is by boosting the economy of low income and middle class families instead of giving tax breaks to Big Oil to and allowing them to do price gauging and oil production manipulation which pushed the US into a technical recession and created an economic war on low income and middle class families.  (see below 5-point Action Pledge)

+ Veteran
+ Pro-Life for the born and unborn.
+ Women's Rights--Men should Love, Respect & Protect women.
+ Pro-guns--protect 2nd Amendment
+ Small Business
+ Farmers
+ Oil & Gas 

+ Solar, wind , hydrothermal and  hydroelectric energy
+ Cleaner air & water
+ First responders and educators pay raises
+ Keep Social Security and Medicare.

+ Low price prescription drugs for senior citizens
+ Lower Medicare age to 60
+ Lower Social Security benefits age to 60

+ $15 Minimum Wage
+ Medicinal & Recreational Cannabis
+ Term Limits for US Senate and US House of Representatives.
+ Medicare for ALL

1.  Regulate the Big Oil Companies that  caused the current inflation spike and have declared an Economic WAR on Low Income and Middle Class families.   

a. Big Oil companies manipulated gasoline prices and stopped gasoline production which created the current inflation that increased the cost of food, electricity and all household goods and construction materials.

b. Low income families have end up only eating SPAM Ham and some even Cat Food Tuna in order to pay for increased utility bills and rent.  Middle class families have faced similar issues as low income families as well as increased cost of flood and home insurance by 200-300% while at the same time Big Oil companies have earned the highest profits in 50 years.

c.  I will sponsor legislation that regulates the price of gasoline and forces local oil production within the United States and takes that power away from Big Oil companies.

d. Additionally, I will Sponsor legislation to force oil corporations to invest 50% of their profits in Louisiana.  25% of the profits will invested on renewable energy to provide each home with solar panel generator when electrical power goes out and 75% of their profits to be invested in a light rail transit that unites all major cities in Louisiana and creates over 50,000 permanent new jobs.

e. On my first day at work, I will order an Congressional Inquire to investigate  Entergy Louisiana and determine the extent of  their abuse of power to charge their customers more than what they are supposed to be paying, particularly for fees to pay for damages from previous storms after they received bail out funding from the Federal and State governments.
2. Sponsor the American Agrarian Reform Act  
a. In 1935, the US had about 6.8 million farms to provide food for 127 million Americans.

b. In 2022, we have less than 2 million farms to provide food for 320 million Americans.  Almost 75% less farms to provide for almost 250% more people

c. Additionally, the USDA pays billions of dollars in subsidies to Big Farmers not to produce.

d. If the US government can bail out the auto industry (Bush $17.4B), cripple airline industry (Trump $25B), Bank Industry ( $700B), Savings & Loans ($407B, 1989),  Big Farmer (Trump $16B), America Competes Act, microchip production (Biden  $250B), Entergy Louisiana (Bush, Katrina $200M).  Why are these bailouts very important to YOU? because you are the one paying for all those funds and none of those industries repay any of the bailouts that they receive.

e. For the above reasons, I will sponsor the American Agrarian Reform Act that increases 75% of the US Farms to the original 1935 levels, and create more than 25 million new and permanent jobs.

f. The current lowest GDP of 1.2 can grow an average of 0.05 percent per year for the the next ten years with an investment of $350B for small farmers in every town and parish/county within the United States thus bringing down the cost of food and end hunger within the United States. 
4. Medicare for ALL
a. Provide healthcare to all Americans.
b. Reduce the cost of all prescription drugs.
5. End the War on Women's Rights by sponsoring 
 "The Lorena Bobbitt Peewee AXE  Act."  Cut the penis of all rapists.

Louisiana men should love, respect and protect women!

1.  If a woman gets pregnant, she is 50% at cause and effect and a man is the other 50% of cause and effect.  Therefore if a woman gets pregnant the man that impregnated her should have 50% of the burden that she has.

2. However, if a woman gets impregnated as a result of a rape, the individual that raped her should loose his penis by court order.  The Louisiana legislators that want women in prison for having an abortion should think again because many of them to include present and former Presidents of the United States, Supreme Court Judges and other Federal, State or Local officials my also be guilty of rape.

3.  The rapist may be known to the victim as it was the case for Mrs. Lorena Bobbitt, who in 1993 became the most famous woman in the world upon cutting off her husband's penis after years of physical and mental abuse.

4.  I know that many women are abused physically and mentally by their husbands and then they are abused by their own children because they have an abusive father as a role model.

5. My younger sister Roxane was raped and killed by several men and my youngest sister Vivian was also raped and impregnated by a military superior who was forcing her to have an abortion and she chose to end her life with a bullet to her head.

6.  The war on women rights is not only about Rowe V Wade supported by Associates Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Bret Kavanaugh who have been accused of having abused women.  US Senator John Kennedy supports the Louisiana abortion trigger laws that would send women to prison for having a procedure to save their lives and Louisiana doctors will pull the trigger of inaction out of fear for going to prison themselves.  If a pregnant woman has a car accident and goes into an emergency room and requires a procedure to save her life and the ER doctor is afraid of going to prison for performing the procedure and opts not to perform the procedure and pulls the trigger of inaction and lets the woman and her baby die.  What if that pregnant woman is your daughter or your granddaughter?  I already lost two beloved sisters and I don't want your family to have to deal with that pain when one life can be saved.

7. For the above reasons, I plan to sponsor the legislation for "The PeeWee Axe Act."  Which will consist of the following:

a. At all cases of RAPE whether the rape is conducted by your husband or by a stranger, their penis will be cut off as punishment.

b. For all fathers that refuse to take responsibility for their children and do not pay child support and have two or more children, they will be ordered a vasectomy so that they do not continue impregnating women.

c. If men have a moment of fun and get women pregnant--they can also have a responsibility to raise their children or go to jail if they support an abortion where it is against the law.

d. There will be no statute of limitations with these offenses.

     Why should you vote for dr. vinny mendoza

I understand the needs of all Louisiana residents, particularly the needs of low income and middle class families.

I was born into a poor family.  My father worked 16-hour days, Monday-Saturday and slept all day Sunday with the exception of one Sunday a month when he took the family out.

My father had 3rd grade education and he began working at age 9 to take care of 3 siblings and his mother after his father died in an accident.  He got up at 3 a.m. and went to work as the garbage man.  He learned to read and write from magazines, books and newspapers that people dumped in the garbage.  He struggled to send me to private middle school because he valued education and he always told me to go to school to become a better man so that I can help my family and my community.  Since I could not pay for my college education, I joined the US Air Force to pay for my education.

During my 20-year tenure with the United States Air Force, I traveled the world, I also served as Assistant to the Inspector General of the Air Force; as the Chief of Services at Thule Air Base, Greenland where I was in charge of over $2 billion real property and managed morale, welfare and recreation services at the time when Thule had the highest suicide rate in the Department of Defense which was reduced to "0" during my tenure as Chief of Services; As Food Service Officer, I created and implemented the worldwide menu given to the strongest and smartest men and women in the world--US Armed Forces; I also served a 4-year tenure as adjunct professor for Central Texas University, Far East Campus, Yokota Air Base, Japan, where I instructed and implemented the Hotel and Restaurant Administration program that included internships at local 4 & 5 star hotels and restaurants.

Upon retirement at Barksdale AFB, in 1998, I have been a Real Estate investor in Louisiana.  Since 2009, as an organic farmer, I have been doing research in edible medicinal herbs.  Currently, I am collaborating with LSU scientists with regards to the benefits of Moringa "The Miracle Tree."

Your favorable consideration to voting for me will be greatly appreciated,

Very respectfully,

MV Vinny Mendoza, Ph.D., USAF (Ret.)                                          

Candidate, US Senate. #8

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